This Plan envisions Burlington as a city where… …Burlington’s built environment reflects a legacy of 
a rich architectural heritage,moderately scaled buildings, and high quality urban design. The 
unique design characteristics of each neighborhood have been retained, while new construction 
and public investment respect the city’s historic character and demonstrate high quality architecture 
while effectively meeting the demand for continued growth. In higher density areas, buildings are 
closer to the street,with parking underneath or in a nearby structure. All buildings and public 
facilities are welcoming to people with disabilities. Both new construction and renovations to 
older buildings illustrate a commitment to sustainable development practices with the use of  
green building materials and energy efficient design. The streetscape is clean, well maintained 
and lined with shade trees. Overhead utilities have been relocated underground, and excessive street
         lighting has been eliminated.Important view corridors and scenic vistas have been retained, 
         and developed areas are complimented (sic) by open spaces, parks, and natural areas.


 Protect its scenic views and view corridors, and encourage development that compliments
          Burlington’s natural setting.
 Retain its moderate scale and urban form in its most densely developed areas, while creating 
opportunities for increased densities.

• Conserve the existing elements and design characteristics of its neighborhoods, and maintain 
neighborhood proportions of scale and mass.
          • Retain and enhance Burlington’s historic buildings and architectural features.
• Encourage new land uses and housing designs that serve changing demographics and benefit from new 
technologies where appropriate.

 Enhance the City’s gateways and streetscapes.
          • Protect, maintain and enhance the City’s urban forest. Built Environment Page