Images of Burlington With/Without Town Center Mall Project

This is a memo compiled by Robert Herendeen with images created from superimposing pictures from the city web site and provided by Don Sinex, the developer. Click on each page image to expand and read. This is an illuminating perspective!


  1. Voters don't want this.
    Elected officials do.

    How to explain?

  2. Like the 700 + development going in on North Ave, it's someone else's vision of what our future should look like. They may think they're doing what's best for the city, but they forgot to ask the residents - a common mistake in development.

  3. Elinore and Meg, apparently the planning commission meeting last night showed, again, that the city is not at all responsive to the voters' concerns or desires. They are pushing the zoning change through because "they" like the height, etc. It is outrageous. We must keep public pressure on, but we are going to need to move to stronger methods than persuasion. There is a public disapproval referendum we can make happen with a percentage of the voters signing a petition, and there seem to be some legal means to stop this insanity. But we need your help! Please come to the Coalition meeting on June 13th, 6:30, at Co-Housing on East Village Road/off east Avenue, behind UVM, in the dining room!


TIF Is a Subsidy to CityPalace Investors

  The state's explanation of TIF says: "Current statute requires that the municipality pledge at least 85% of the incremental munic...