Thursday, January 30, 2020

Go See and Hear Brookfield's New Plan

If you missed Brookfield's presentation at Noon, try to make the 7pm show. You will be pleasantly surprised to see that many of the concerns of the Downtown Neighborhood Association are addressed in the new site plan.

Alex did a nice job of summarizing where DNA stands today -- support with caution. He struck the right note of respect and willingness to give credit where it is due.

This project must not be seen as the mayor's project. If anything, it is a clear acceptance of the vision CLC member Downtown Neighborhood Association tried to impart to the former developer. This is a new project. The warmth and mutual respect in Contois Auditorium today was thoroughly enjoyable -- and the mayor was not there.


Caryn Long and Steven Marshall voiced the hopes and concerns felt by many residents. Individuals who were on different sides of the project in the past were blended on this occasion. Caryn asked why August start date (A. Permits), and whether financing is secured (A. No). Steven advocated for maximum community integration in the space. Carolyn asked for more greenery on the rooftop. Carefully paying attention to the details, Councilor Sharon Bushor came with a detailed list of comments. She always does her homework and comes prepared.

One sour note: a shrill misinformed person claimed the city loved Don Sinex and CLC lawsuits defeated him. It would have been a dismissive eye roll in another setting. This attempt to create division in the room was welcomed by a mere smattering of applause.

Fact check: The city did not love Don Sinex any more than the Abenaki loved Champlain. There was a mutually beneficial relationship bound by trust, until it was broken.  And, CLC was not party to any lawsuits. That blame has been used to create a scapegoat and avoid facing the real reasons the project failed -- lack of financing, too big, too tall, and too far out of character of the community, character that is Burlington's brand and attraction as a destination.

Brookfield demonstrated that they have wisely heeded all the concerns voiced by the DNA, because it makes good business sense for them. Hopefully all can work together for the good of our community and the success of this project.





TIF Is a Subsidy to CityPalace Investors

  The state's explanation of TIF says: "Current statute requires that the municipality pledge at least 85% of the incremental munic...